
Monday, August 1, 2016

Neo4j Enterprise Cluster Basics

Neo4j Enterprise enables a high availability cluster using the PAXOSprotocol for cluster communication prior to 3.x and the RAFT protocol with the core-edge clustering model is now available in the current milestone releases. If you’re interested into diving deeper into specifications and the implementation of the new RAFT protocol, I suggest you checkout Jim Webber’s great overview in his keynote from GraphConnect SF 2015. One very useful feature coming in 3.x is the ability to read your own writes. Meaning you can require that the transaction with write you made to core is available on the edge server handling the read request before it returns your request.

So while that is coming in 3.x, what is the current landscape in 2.x?

Neo4j Enterprise Write Operations

When operating a Neo4j Enterprise cluster, there will always be one master instance and some number of slaves. Neo4j is capable of handling write requests on all instances, but that requires the slave to proxy the request to the master so it is best to separate reads and writes to

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