
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Neo4j 3.0 Welcomes a New Era for Graphs

At GraphConnect at the end of April the Neo4j team announced the release of Neo4j 3.0. We had the opportunity to celebrate this release at The Honest Company last night with the Graph Database LA Meetup group where I shared many of these highlights from the official Neo4j announcement. The first release in the 3.x series ushers in a new era of scalable yet reliable graph database technology with, this version of Neo4j based on a completely redesigned architecture that offers enhanced developer productivity, and varying deployment options at a massive scale.

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Neo4j is for the Non-Technical

Neo4j brings together associations crosswise over divisions and crosswise over groups, both specialized and non-specialized, empowering a more prominent level of comprehension and clarity in correspondence than beforehand conceivable. A Neo4j chart model is whiteboard cordial and permits everybody from business to designing gatherings to talk the same dialect of associations. Imparting in
logically applicable associations that unite business ideas lessens the potential for false impressions that cause postpones and improve later.

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Graph Advantage: Developer Productivity

Developer productivity is critical for any organization building software. There are many factors to consider ranging from effective communication with the business on requirements to ease of working with the chosen technologies. When the chosen technology is new to the enterprise, understanding the ability to transition smoothly and build a quality solutions with the chosen technology are essential to confidently move forward.
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Get Results Faster
When Neo4j is used valuable insights can be discovered, understood and made actionable in hours instead of weeks with real-time recommendations able to be performed much more efficiently across your graph data than any other NoSQL store. 

New Value
Unlike schema-on-write, which transforms data into specified schema upon load, Neo4j empowers you to store data in any format, and then create schema at that moment when you choose to analyze your graph data. This unprecedented flexibility opens 



GraphGrid Virtual Private Cloud (GraphGrid VPC) guarantees a logically isolated section of the GraphGrid Cloud where we launch all your GDP resources in a virtual network only you can access.

The configuration of the VPC is optimized with security in mind. For example, a public-facing subnet is created for your servers that require access to the Internet, and your backend systems in a private-facing subnet with no Internet access. GDP leverages multiple layers of security, including security groups and network access control lists, to help control access to your GDP clusters.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Baskteball In Game Interactions with Neo4j

The NBA has enjoyed explosive growth in recent years; so much so that its TV deal, currently fetching $930 million annually from ESPN and Turner, will raise that number to $2.6 billion beginning next season, a 180 percent increase. In addition to its globalization, nutritional advancement, and technological progress, the quality of play itself has been consistently climbing season after season. Much of this trend can be attributed to team staffs making better decisions about personnel, playing time, play style, matchups, lineups, and the like. And as much as Barkley and other old-school players would like to minimize its impact, it is undeniable that the best teams who make the best decisions have a common underlying focus: data.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Graph Advantage: Personal Gamification

User attention spans online are quite short today with all the options vying for their eyeballs. Gasification is an approach that surfaced as being an effective way to engage with users in a more engaging and interesting manner. Gamification in a non-generic, personal manner with the right incentives for each individual requires a very complete and connected understanding of that user.
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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Information Validation and Testing Your Graph Data State

Information approval gives you a chance to pick up understanding on the nature of your information resources. This includes reviewing your association reliably to screen your advancement. At the point when testing information, it's key to set measurements, and additionally succeeding strides and objectives to drive changes. Information testing is considerably more significant when stacking information into a construction free chart database like Neo4j. So how would we it effectively and

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Connected Data Analytics: Basics

As associations embrace chart databases, their accessible associated information will develop, which will drive the requirement for investigation to influence the associated information as a center part of their examination. The way to opening new bits of knowledge is to influence the connectedness of the information as a major aspect of a diagram investigation arrangement. Through chart investigation associations information.
ventures have increased upper hands since they are currently finding the cause, impact, and impact of certain examples present in their

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Graph Advantage: Master Data Management

Expert Data Management (MDM) is an inexorably complex point for associations today. The rate at which information in an endeavor to is streaming and developing as a business resource, requires a the requirement for a more adaptable and association driven expert information stockpiling arrangement. Expert Data Management, is a practice that includes finding, cleaning, lodging, and representing information. Information draftsmen for endeavors require an information model that offers specially appointed, variable, and fantastic structures as business needs are continually
evolving. This quickly changing model in a perfect world fits with a diagram database.

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Matching Neo4j ElasticSearch: The Basics

There are various methods for coordinating Neo4j with ElasticSearch. One regular route was using the Rivers module, yet that was deplored in ElasticSearch 1.5 and will probably be completely evacuated soon after ElasticSearch 2.0. Going ahead any reconciliation will require a more refined
incorporation to list the wanted hubs and connections from Neo4j to ElasticSearch.

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Understanding DETACH DELETE in Cypher

Isolate DELETE in Cipher is a case of why Cipher is one of my most loved methods for communicating with the Neo4j chart database. The revelatory diagram question dialect is always advancing to facilitate the prerequisites of questioning Neo4j. This advantage in simplicity of association, nonetheless, can regularly assist expel the inquiry essayist from expecting to comprehend
the inward workings of the Neo4j chart database being questioned.

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Graph Advantage: Identity and Access Management

Personality and Access Management for an intricate media work process was really my first involvement with Neo4j as a diagram database arrangement that empowered us to speak to access all through the stream in a structure reasonable to the way it really existed. Amid the most recent 4+ years from that point forward I've kept on seeing Identity and Access Management as real recipient of
the adaptable information model and execution of non-JOIN hub traversal of the Neo4j chart database.

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Relationship Direction in Cypher is Important

The relationship course between two hubs is required for Cipher compose inquiries, yet can be disregarded on Cipher read questions. Figure is a diagram database explanatory and literary question dialect by Neo4j, which bolstered by a bigger gathering as OpenCypher to make Cipher the SQL for chart databases. Figure looks somewhat like ASCII craftsmanship in it's representation of chart related traversal designs, which makes it entirely instinctive and enjoyable to use in questioning

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systemd Neo4j service on Ubuntu

systemd ships as the default procedure supervisor on Ubuntu 15; get the neo4j systemd administration document to introduce and find out about the setup. systemd has a considerable measure of awesome elements and I urge you to look at it as it's a major change IMO from SystemV and Upstart. In the event that you've began working with systemd to deal with your neo4j procedure,
then you

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Graph Advantage: Building a Smarter Data Lake

Associations today are storing up information at speedier rate than at any other time into their information lakes and regularly that information lake is the place that information remains. Endeavors are searching for powerful approaches to use the tremendous volumes and fluctuating information they've been gathering in their information lakes with a specific end goal to react to aggressive weights, directions and give experimental business direction. It's a great opportunity to quick witted information lake and let your information drive your association forward.
fabricate a more

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Getting to know an Unknown Graph

Discovering your way around an obscure chart can appear somewhat questionable at first because of Neo4j being sans pattern. Particularly in case you're more up to date to chart databases and used to a social database where you would just open the ERD and observe the tables. Because Neo4j is without blueprint doesn't imply that diagram like components are not present. The Neo4j chart database Indexes and Constraints on Property Keys. How about we take a gander at a few methods for getting aquatinted with an obscure chart.
mapping components are made out of Label Names, Relationship Types,

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At the point when Your Data Is Not a Graph

I regularly get asked at the Neo4j trainings and meetups about which sorts of information or use cases a diagram database doesn't handle. While diagram information structure models the world we live in outstandingly well there are some utilization cases and situations where your information is not a probable not just a chart.
chart – or more

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Network and IT Operations

System and IT operations are progressively intricate in their conveyance and operation. Information multifaceted nature is an element of structure, size and connectedness. It doesn't take an association long to achieve a point where non-chart databases simply don't stay aware of always advancing parts and topology of the system base. System blackouts and disappointments are unfavorable to any association so being a stage in front of potential disappointments is a gigantic favorable position.

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Graph Advantage: User Personalization

User personalization is intended to tailor each individual’s experience to them and really provide a more human element to the interaction. Providing this aspect of feeling known and understood rather than just being a generic set of eyes can go a long way towards more fulfilling and continued engagement with your users.Read more…